More about Digital Dots

Digital Dots is is an independent graphic arts research group established in 1999. The company is a collection of like-minded consultants and professional journalists specialising in digital prepress, printing and publishing technologies. The company provides exclusive market research, testing and evaluation services for digital production technologies relating to these industries. Our business is based on journalism, consulting, presentations and seminars, and bespoke publishing projects. Content is the foundation of our business so we take it very seriously.

Over the years Digital Dots has spearheaded many graphic arts projects, including the following.

The Verdigris Project

The Verdigris Project has been investigating the environmental impact of print media for over 20 years.

Digital Dots Publications

Browse this site to find archives of many of our publications including, SpindriftWild Format, The Technology Guides and Special Reports.

Laurel Brunner – Managing Director, Journalist, Consultant

Laurel has been in the graphic arts industry for over 40 years. She started out as an accountant for a printing company in London but got bored and went travelling. She got caught up in the Desktop Publishing revolution working in California for the Seybold organisation, where she was instrumental in the development of the Seybold conferences. Over the years she has worked exclusively in the prepress and publishing industries, with a particular specialisation in digital prepress,  digital production and digital printing. She is managing director Digital Dots, which provides international consulting and educational services.

Laurel works with several ISO working groups and is the convenor of ISO’s Working Group 11. This group develops standards relating to the environmental impact of graphics technology, including print media. ISO 16759 for quantifying and calculating the carbon footprint of print media, published in July 2013, provides a framework for carbon calculators for the carbon footprint of print media products. Laurel provides private consulting and editorial services to a wide cross section of publishers, manufacturers and industry associations. Her work regularly appears in publications and on websites around the world. Laurel is a regular speaker at industry events in North and South America, Europe and Asia.

Laurel is also a Visiting Professor at Shenzen Technical University in China and one of a small cohort of Women of Distinction selected by US publishers Output Links. Agfa Graphics has awarded her its Sustainability Award for her work in sustainability and the Indonesian printing industry association, ATGMI, has also recognised her for this work.

Paul Lindström – Technical Editor, Journalist, Consultant

Paul Lindström entered the graphic arts industry in 1980 as a typographer and graphic designer. He has worked in computer assisted graphic design and print production ever since. Paul was the production manager and part-owner of a commercial printer in Sweden where he became involved with digital printing, before moving to Elanders’ Electronic Printing division. During his three years with Elanders Paul played a key role in developing the company’s variable data management and print on demand solutions.

Between 1993 and 2003 Paul worked as technical editor for AGI, Scandinavia’s leading graphics arts trade magazine. In addition he lectured part time for the Graphic Arts Department at Malmö University, running degree courses on digital imaging, colour- and quality management, the optimisation of workflow systems and production processes. Since 1998 Paul has been an UKAS accredited auditor for ISO 9001 and ISO 12647 certification, and is the co-editor of the certifications schemes in both Sweden and the UK. He is an appointed expert to ISO TC 130, the technical committee responsible for authoring ISO standards for graphic arts and print media production.