Bekaert launches Ecobind® – 100% natural, C02 neutral coating for book binding wire

Businesses and consumers can now use more eco-friendly stationery thanks to the launch of Ecobind®. This coloured eco-friendly coating is made from the so-called ‘green polymer’, which means it is completely derived from natural resources, compostable and CO2 neutral. Ecobind® coating for bookbinding wire is the ideal complement to environmentally sound stationery, such as– exercise … Read more

Paper Tigers Hear Them Roar

Can it really be true, as so many tree huggers believe, that pulp and paper production are major contributors to global warming?  At a UN conference in 1987, sustainability was defined as developments that “meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”. This roughly means that we should look … Read more

Successful PrintCity Munich Workshop – Carbon Footprint & Energy Efficiency

The PrintCity Alliance completed a successful first Graphic Industry Supply Chain Workshop on the subject Carbon Footprint & Energy Efficiency during February 2010 in Munich. The keynote speaker was Gary Marshall from the UK printing group Polestar, an early adopter of a proactive carbon and energy reduction programme. “We must look at the whole picture … Read more