Cancun Communiqué Signed by PrintCity Alliance

The PrintCity Alliance has signed the Cancun Communiqué on Climate Change, following its support for the Copenhagen Communiqué in 2009. The Cancun Communiqué ( is being signed by a wide range of individual businesses and organisations, including the PrintCity Alliance, to help lobby for an agreed worldwide plan on climate change. PrintCity Alliance members focus … Read more

Epson Again Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Indicies

Seiko Epson Corporation® (“Epson”, TSE: 6724) has been selected for the third time as a component company of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific), both leading indicators for socially responsible investment (SRI). The international stock indices, jointly developed by the American company … Read more