Sustainability by design

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner All the talk about building circular economies can seem very remote from the day to day realities of living life and work’s daily grind. It’s easy to think of creating a circular economy as someone else’s gig. But that is too convenient and ultimately a little lazy because, … Read more

Digital printing for textiles a bold new future

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Manufacturers of digital printing presses have been eyeing up the textile market for a while. Both direct-to-garment (DtG) printing and the printing of textiles for other purposes have been attracting attention. This makes sense given the range of technologies available and the dynamism in the digital printing business: … Read more

Apple taking environmental lead

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner The graphics industry has had a long and mostly affectionate relationship with Apple Computer. The company’s technology was one of the key foundation stones of the desktop publishing revolution (DTP) in 1984, along with Aldus PageMaker and the Adobe PostScript page description language that is the antecedent of … Read more

Kodak’s Sonora Plate Green Leaf Awards 2018

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Kodak has been running the Sonora Plate Green Leaf Awards for the last six years, despite other distractions and challenges. The awards underscore how seriously Kodak takes it’s environmental commitment and how important it is for this industry to raise its sustainability game. The Sonora Green Leaf awards … Read more