Paper Tigers Hear them Roar

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner The paper industry has often been the target of chippy greens looking to offload their eco-anger. If past practise is anything to go by, they have some justification, but it is time to start cutting paper companies a lot more slack. Pulp and paper manufacturers have made massive … Read more

A Thing of Beauty is an Ancient Book

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner We hear a lot about the wonders of digital media and for several years it has had print in a more than mild state of panic. The Bay Psalm Book is just the latest addition to the list of reasons to choose print over electronic media. This slender … Read more

Stepping Up to the Plate

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Agfa has introduced a new chemistry-free plate, the Azura TU with a tonal range of 1-99% supporting linescreens of up to 240lpi, holding a 20 micron spot and run lengths of up to 150,000. This is quite a leap up in durability so this plate will be attractive … Read more