Clean Up That Mess!

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner When we were living at home with our parents we heard it, and when we have children of our own we speak or even shout it. A messy home is bad enough. But a messy workplace is even worse because it reflects how little a business cares for … Read more

Taking the IT

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Getting rid of electronic stuff that is no longer cost effective is a major problem for all users of digital technologies. There are only so many relations on whom you can offload your creaking mobile phones and decrepit laptops. When it comes to bigger kit such as servers … Read more

Green Shoots or Are You in the Weeds?

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner If you’re in the northern hemisphere, are you enjoying sleepy summer days, when not much seems to be happening? Or perhaps you’re struggling through cold and rain in the southern hemisphere. Either way your business hopefully is part of the busy cohort that is helping to produce signs … Read more

Sustainability Policies Reaching Far and Wide

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Companies who reckon that the environment and sustainability are not high on corporate agendas are missing an important trick. Actually there is no trick to it, because sustainability policies add value as well as saving money for the business. According to McKinsey & Co, a consultancy, sustainability is … Read more