More Drupa environmental expectations (not)

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Drupa 2020 is off until April 2021, which hopefully will give the organisers time to rethink their sustainability strategy. The event originally conceived for this year was to have had other priorities than sustainability. The speaker programme includes relatively limited sustainability input, for instance Achim Halpaap, a senior … Read more

Brand recognition

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner It’s taken a while but interest in calculating the carbon footprint of print is starting to rise. Brand supply teams are finally showing mild engagement with the idea of carbon footprinting their prints, because it could improve production efficiencies and their bottom lines. Fortunately we have ISO 16759 … Read more

Eco hype or eco reality?

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Nailing down what makes a system sustainable or not exercises some of the best brains on the planet. Mostly this is in response to the threats of climate change, but the graphics industry’s sustainability credentials are mostly based on responses to existential threats. The industry has been blessed … Read more

Drupa 2020 environmental expectations

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner It’s the graphics industry’s most anticipated show. It’s the lynchpin show that has for years dictated research and development schedules, marketing budgets and contract signings. Attendance has been in slow but relentless decline since Drupa’s 1980s heyday, but this does little to diminish the show’s power to focus … Read more

Environmental news for drupa

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Important as they might be to us as individuals, environmental impact mitigation and sustainability concerns have much lower priority when it comes to most businesses. Say what they like, but if supporting environmental initiatives means adding cost or inconvenience, most firms are unlikely to take them up. It’s … Read more