The Eco-nomics of Print

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner There were two very clear themes in the sustainability session at the recent FESPA Global Summit. The most important of these is that environmental sustainability goes hand in hand with business efficiency. Within the Verdigris community we have all known this for some time, so it was great … Read more

Getting the Go Google-less Message

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner We have had an absolute torrent of response to the Go Google-less idea. The request to the industry to switch search engines from Google to something else has been amazing. The idea was to put pressure on Google in the hope of getting them to reconsider the Paperless … Read more

The Idiocy of the Paperless 2013 Campaign

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Greenwashing is bad enough but deliberately attempting to hijack sustainability awareness is downright poisonous. A group of corporations with Google at their head has set up a really stupid campaign. Using an environmental agenda the group is cloaking its need to up revenues through digital process management. They … Read more

The European Union’s Eco-Label

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Regulation, rules and compliance requirements are increasingly tangling businesses up in red tape, despite the efforts of politicians. The latest option for the printing industry to consider is the EU Eco-label, which was launched in August 2012. Thanks to the efforts of Intergraf, the European association of printing … Read more