Fab India

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Recent government commitments to renewable energy could spell enhanced opportunities for print in India. The print industry everywhere thrives because most of its practitioners are small companies with relatively few employees. They operate in fairly confined, local markets and share with their larger counterparts a dependence on reliably … Read more

European Union bans single use plastics

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner It’s official (almost). Single use plastics are to be banned in the European Union (EU) by 2019, at least they are where sustainable and affordable alternatives exist. The proposal is still subject to a vote, however if approved, which is likely, it will affect ten such products including … Read more

Printing plate price rises

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Agfa and Kodak have recently announced that printing plate prices are to rise by about 10%. It’s just a matter of time before Fujifilm follows suit, even though the company put prices up by some 8% for US customers last December. The reason is that as the global … Read more

Sustainable Business Practices Driving Print Industry Growth

By Richard Szembrot P.E., Director, Health, Safety, & Environment, Eastman Kodak Company The leader of PwC’s Global Sustainability Services practice, Malcolm Preston, presents arguments we in the commercial printing industry should carefully weigh: Does sustainability represent both measurable risk and opportunity; is it merely irrelevant; or, worse, is it an impediment to growth, productivity and … Read more

Expanding print’s reach

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Looking at technology and raw materials processing is only part of the graphics industry’s sustainability picture. It’s easy to forget that if people don’t read, we lose whole markets for books, magazines and newspapers both in print and online. In the developed world, it’s easy to take reading … Read more