Inspiring Print is Everywhere

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Well yes of course it is, but it isn’t often enough that the printing industry itself reminds the world of just how gorgeous print is, as well as its sustainability. At drupa there were many examples of our industry’s environmental friendliness but one of the best was Agfa’s … Read more

Eco Labels Not the Point

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Ecolabels are a pain. They are generally well-intended, aiming to make life simpler for consumers and provide assurance that a product is environmentally friendly. But really eco labels alone don’t help industry sectors to improve their carbon footprints or environmental impacts. For instance in the US eco labels … Read more

Hold Your Head Up Mr Printer!

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner The Toshiba fiasco is behind us but that doesn’t mean we can breathe even a little sigh of relief. The graphic arts industry has an uphill road to climb, if it is going to really be able to change its image. Actually that road isn’t particularly hard or … Read more

National No Print Day a No Go

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner How could any company, large or small, possibly be so stupid as to come up with a National No Print Day? And yet that is what Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc., recently planned to do. Their idea drew such opprobrium from the printing industry that they wisely withdrew … Read more