Inspiring Print is Everywhere

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner

Well yes of course it is, but it isn’t often enough that the printing industry itself reminds the world of just how gorgeous print is, as well as its sustainability. At drupa there were many examples of our industry’s environmental friendliness but one of the best was Agfa’s Print Inspires Print project. This beautiful little book isn’t a shout for how wonderfully green print media is compared to electronic media, a mantra that’s getting pretty tired these days. Although we need to keep repeating it more imagination is required, and that is what Agfa’s Print Inspires Print delivers.

We have to confess to some self-interest here as Agfa has long been one of our biggest supporters and is a founder member of the Verdigris project. As part of that relationship we have proudly contributed to the Print Inspires Print project (it’s called “from Inspiration to Application” and it’s on page 66). Agfa has produced an absolutely lovely book dedicated to questions of sustainability and specifically how we think about sustainability in our business processes. Thinking is the hard part of the equation.

The Print Inspires Print book presents twenty timely case studies, not demonstrating the sustainability of print but instead illustrating new sustainable approaches to product development and alternative business models. They range from redefining concepts of the corporation, through to corporate health within communities. From the pragmatics through to the ideals described the passion is tangible and browsing this book is a joyful and uplifting experience. It shows us the potential of thinking beyond what we think we know and the importance of applied imagination for problem solving.

There are also some interesting print case studies included in Print Inspires Print selected on the basis of their green creditials and their prizes for sustainability. Companies such as Hyde Park Press in Adelaide, Australia and Daicolo in Japan share their views of sustainability and explain how they have achieved their environmental goals. In common with the rest of the Print Inspires Print book, these chapters are interesting not for how cost effective, technologically dazzling or amazingly profitable the companies are. The are interesting because the describe ideas and what can happen when we manage to do something different. And different is what progress is all about, environmental or otherwise.

If you want a copy of Print Inspires Print, let us know and we will forward your email to the right folks at Agfa.

– Laurel Brunner

This blog is yours to use if you want, as long as you fully credit the Verdigris supporters who make it possible: Agfa Graphics (, Canon Europe (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, EcoPrint (, Fespa (, HP (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing (, Xeikon ( and Xerox (

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