Environmental Survey Results

At the beginning of the year as part of the Verdigris project, we published an online survey. The purpose of this survey was to learn more about the strategic motivators and environmental intentions of printers and their customers. We were looking for insights into sharing best practice, and had hoped to get a better idea … Read more

Lifetime analysis

Printers are feeling the pressure from their customers to reduce the carbon footprint of their own production, but how can they account for the environmental impact in manufacturing their printing presses? The discipline of Life Cycle Assessment is coming to the printing industry, albeit slowly. It’s a necessary step if the industry wants its environmental … Read more

PrintCity Alliance prepares to publish Carbon & Energy Reduction report in early 2011

PrintCity Alliance members are preparing to publish their latest environmental and energy report Carbon & Energy Reduction for the Graphics Industry Value Chain in early 2011. This follows two years of research and ‘connection of competence’ knowledge sharing between members, partners plus external research and academic organisations. The purpose of this new PrintCity 36-page guide … Read more