Paper made from grass

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Scheufelen Paper, a leading European maker of coated premium paper products for the graphics business, is developing a new paper based on grass. Scheufelen’s new development has interesting potential as an exciting alternative for packaging, as well as being suitable for graphic papers. In common with most of … Read more

Blowing in the digital wind

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner Electronic media have a heavy carbon footprint because of the energy they require to exist. Unlike physical media digital media only work if there is energy to deliver them. They also need energy to survive, so the emissions associated with electronic media are substantial. This much we know … Read more

ISO 20294 for calculating the carbon footprint of electronic media

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner It probably doesn’t occur to many people that electronic media may have a much larger environmental footprint than print media. How can that be when print is so visibly polluting? Well, it’s a simple calculation because print has a one-off carbon footprint and printed paper can be recycled … Read more

Deinking glass

The weekly Verdigris blog by Laurel Brunner It takes a million years for glass to biodegrade, so it’s good that we’ve worked out sensible recycling processes for it. However as the packaging industry gets slicker, we need to look more carefully at how we can keep recycling glass, particularly containers, effectively. Digital printing technology is … Read more