Copenhagen Communiqué Signed by PrintCity Alliance

The PrintCity Alliance has signed the Copenhagen Communiqué on Climate Change, calling for an ambitious, robust and equitable global deal on climate change that responds credibly to the scale and urgency of the crises facing the world today.

The Copenhagen Communiqué ( has been signed by over 800 global companies & organisations, including power conglomerates, financial institutions, airlines, general industrials and world brands. 

PrintCity Alliance members are focused on promoting the value of print, at the same time as achieving high levels of printing & packaging industry efficiency in the areas of sustainability, energy and the environment. 

Climate change issues have a direct coherence with the ongoing work that we, as a leading world alliance in the graphic arts, are undertaking to improve the environmental understanding & efficiency of our entire industry. 

In recent years the PrintCity Alliance membership has been sharing knowledge under their combined ‘Connection of Competence’ in this area. Highlights are: 

Sustainability, Energy & Environment Special Report, 2008 – Download a PDF copy of this important report from:

Carbon Footprint & Energy Efficiency, 2010 – a new initiative to analyse and give guidance on how to measure and use Carbon Footprints, as a catalyst for improved process efficiency & environmental performance. A PrintCity best practice guide will be published by mid 2010

Other organisations and companies can sign the Copenhagen Communiqué on Climate Change by visiting:

The direct link to the United Nations Climate Change Conference web site is: The conference is in Copenhagen from December 7-18, 2009. 

PrintCity encourages all interested organisations to join it in signing the Copenhagen Communiqué to assist in the process of making positive world change on climate issues. 

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