Environmental Impact: PrintCity Alliance GREEN theme at Ipex

PrintCity Alliance members Leonhard Kurz, manroland, MEGTEC, Merck, Océ, Sappi, Tolerans, UPM and Weilburger Graphics are exhibiting at Ipex 2010, focusing on three leading ‘themes’ PRINT: LEAN.GREEN.SEEN.

Of these three hot topics, ‘GREEN’ is possibly the issue most talked about, but least fully understood by many in our industry. Since 2008 the PrintCity Alliance has taken a leading role in knowledge sharing in this important area, and our members plan to continue to do so. 

Environmental Impact – GREEN

GREEN is concerned with Environmental Impact and is inter-connected with Lean Manufacturing, both of which can deliver cost savings and business growth opportunities. In our latest project in this area, PrintCity members have been working since 2009 on a new Carbon Footprint & Energy Efficiency study, which will be published in autumn 2010.

The transition from a carbon-intense to a low-carbon and more sustainable society will be one of the single most important drivers of the first half of the 21st century for every business and inhabitant of the planet. Climatic and other environmental issues will have an accelerating impact across the entire value chain of publishers, advertisers, packagers, printers and their suppliers.

Focused on the theme Carbon & Energy Reduction for the Graphic Industry Value Chain, our members work will help provide clarity of understanding on this complex subject with information on strategies, techniques and technologies to help improve the overall cost and environmental performance of printers, publishers, brand owners and other print users.

There is a close relationship between Green House Gas emissions and energy, as well as on the use of print worldwide:

· The cheapest kWh — with zero Carbon Footprint — is the kWh not used

· Print is the only medium with a one-time Carbon Footprint — all other media require energy every time they are looked at

The PrintCity Alliance is dedicated to a sustainable future for the printing, packaging and publishing industry worldwide. We care about wise energy usage, avoiding impact on the environment and working for long-term sustainability.

Benefits from Environmental Good Practice

Utllising best practice knowledge from PrintCity Alliance members and many external partner organisations, our new 2010 study will help guide publishers, printers and packagers forward to apply best practice in this complex area. Some of the benefits they will gain are:

· Understanding Carbon impact on print & packaging media

· Ability to use Carbon Footprinting as an evaluation tool

· Opportunity to reduce energy usage, gain cost savings and improve competitiveness

PrintCity Alliance Shared Environmental Projects & Research

At Ipex 2010 visitors can access the combined knowledge of Alliance members and discuss research findings from these PrintCity environmental impact activities: 

· GREEN – Carbon Footprint & Energy Efficiency – this new study will become one of the definitive reports to understand and apply good practice in carbon footprinting and wise energy management for the entire printing & packaging industry. Visit PrintCity at Ipex to find out more….

· GREEN – Sustainability, Energy & Environment – our original 2008 ‘connection of competence’ special report on this complex subject, promoting effective cooperation across the entire process chain. Still available in PDF format, this report remains essential reading.

· GREEN – Energy Efficiency & Optimisation for Web Offset Printers – this publication looks specifically at web offset printing, with in-depth analysis plus energy optimisation advice. It offers practical guidance to improve overall energy efficiency, helping sustainability.

Who should visit PrintCity at Ipex?

All printers, publishers, brand owners, designers & advertising agencies can gain valuable knowledge benefits, plus process & technology application ideas by visiting PrintCity Alliance members at their Hall 17 ‘connection of competence hub’ at Ipex.

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